Honey Blog

diabetic patient checking blood sugar level

How Honey Can Help With Diabetes

A university study in Turkey found that people with type 2 diabetes who ate 5 grams of raw organic honey daily for four months reduced their Haemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) level....

How Honey Can Help With Diabetes

A university study in Turkey found that people with type 2 diabetes who ate 5 grams of raw organic honey daily for four months reduced their Haemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) level....

woman suffering from fibromyalgia chronic pain

Using Raw Organic Honey To Ease Fibromyalgia Sy...

Studies have shown that raw organic honey can help reduce pain and inflammation associated with fibromyalgia. A 2018 study published in the Journal of Evidence-Based Integrative Medicine found that honey...

Using Raw Organic Honey To Ease Fibromyalgia Sy...

Studies have shown that raw organic honey can help reduce pain and inflammation associated with fibromyalgia. A 2018 study published in the Journal of Evidence-Based Integrative Medicine found that honey...

man suffering from acid reflux

How Raw Organic Honey Can Help With Acid Reflux

Raw organic honey may be an effective natural remedy for acid reflux. Its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, combined with its natural enzymes and nutrients, may help to soothe the esophagus...

How Raw Organic Honey Can Help With Acid Reflux

Raw organic honey may be an effective natural remedy for acid reflux. Its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, combined with its natural enzymes and nutrients, may help to soothe the esophagus...

nurse helping asthmatic wheezing girl with nebuliser

How Raw Organic Honey Can Help Relieve Symptoms...

Raw organic honey has been used for centuries as a natural remedy for asthma. It helps reduce inflammation and swelling in the airways, which can make it easier to breathe....

How Raw Organic Honey Can Help Relieve Symptoms...

Raw organic honey has been used for centuries as a natural remedy for asthma. It helps reduce inflammation and swelling in the airways, which can make it easier to breathe....

man suffering from BO

How To Naturally Eliminate Body Odour, Body Acn...

Raw organic honey as a body scrub when showering helps get rid of dead skin cells that clog up pores, causing acne outbreaks, blackheads or whiteheads. Its creamy, crystallised, grainy...

How To Naturally Eliminate Body Odour, Body Acn...

Raw organic honey as a body scrub when showering helps get rid of dead skin cells that clog up pores, causing acne outbreaks, blackheads or whiteheads. Its creamy, crystallised, grainy...

How To Spot Fake Honey

How To Spot Fake Honey

Honey is big business. With jars of Manuka and Yemeni Sidr honey selling in the UK for A$193.49 a jar, it is not surprising that international honey laundering networks would...


How To Spot Fake Honey

Honey is big business. With jars of Manuka and Yemeni Sidr honey selling in the UK for A$193.49 a jar, it is not surprising that international honey laundering networks would...